Friday, September 17, 2010


釣 (Fishing)
Was summer fishing.
Caught one but I returned it.
I want my fish back.


保護しなさい (Shelter you)
Braving the hard rain.
Under just one umbrella.
Walking on wet streets.


再度開始 (Start again)
Why think of the past?
When the future is brighter.
Now, let us be friends.


ぬれた、冷たい朝。(Wet and cold morning.)
In bed, cold, alone
Heart waves travel silently
Sleep, effortlessly


はえは放す (Fly free)
Freed from barbed chains of...
Melancholic memories.
Freed wings to take flight.


監視人 (Watcher)
The big sky so high.
Stare at me, infinite eye.
And mirror my mind.


光速度 (Light speed)
Is flying and free.
Traveling the universe.
Of stars and heart beats.


あなたの衛星 (Your satellite)
Satellite hovers.
Pulsating beats delivered.
Watching peacefully.


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